Data Resources
Bureau of Economic Analysis
- GDP by industry
- Real personal income
- Personal Consumption
- Regional price data
Census Bureau
- The American Community Survey
- Current Population Survey, a monthly survey of unemployment
- Consumer Expenditure Survey
- Census of Governments
- Census of Manufactures
- Census of Business Services
- Census of Wholesale and Retail Trade
- County Business Patterns
The Census Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD) program combines federal data with state unemployment insurance earnings data to provide statistics on employment, earnings, and job flows at detailed levels of geography, industry, and demographics; these data have been used to create an incredibly detailed map of every job in the United States.
The Census On the Map provides data to show commuting patterns.
The Census Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing products. The TIGER database contains geographic features such as roads, railroads, rivers, as well as legal and statistical geographic areas. These can be accessed on the web or as shapefiles for use with GIS software.
Census State Data Center – every state has a Census State Data Center with staff well-trained in the use of Census and other socioeconomic data, and most states have Business and Industry Data Centers that focus on economic data and provide assistance to business and economic development agencies.
Bureau of Labor Statistics
BLS covers three main types of data of interest to economic developers: labor force status of persons (by place of residence), jobs and wages (by place of work), and prices and living conditions. Labor force data are prepared monthly through the Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) program and describe labor force participation, employment, unemployment, and unemployment rate. Job and wage (place of work) data are available through a variety of BLS-sponsored programs, including:
- Covered Employment and Wages
- Current Employment Statistics
- Occupational Employment Statistics
- National Compensation Survey
- Mass Layoff Statistics
- Consumer Price Index (CPI)
- Consumer Expenditure Survey
The Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service and National Agricultural Statistics Service provides data regarding agriculture and rural development.
The National Center for Education Statistics provides a wealth of information of education, from preschool to adult learning. The NCES's Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) is one of the most important data sets for postsecondary education.
The Department of Energy’s Energy Information Administration provides information on state energy consumption profiles, and data on energy production and reserves.
The National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics provides information on research and development, the science and engineering workforce, the condition and progress of STEM education, and U.S. competitiveness in science, engineering, technology, and R&D.
The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) reports on Community Reinvestment Act activity around small business and small farm loans.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development has information about American cities and suburbs, as well as a library of resources.
The Department of Labor's O*Net Skills is a dataset containing detailed descriptions of the required and used skills for specific occupations.
The Bureau of Transportation Statistics has a range of information on infrastructure, logistics, and energy
The Federal Housing Finance Agency has data on housing prices, interest rates, and mortgages according to various geographies, including rural areas and underserved areas.
The Small Business Administration has a profile of each state’s small business economy.
The Department of the Treasury’s Statistics of Income Division has annual individual tax data for states and counties, as well as state- to-state and county-to-county migration data on a yearly basis.
Data USA, a collaboration between Deloitte, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab, and Data Wheel, is a free resource that aggregates public-sector data. Data on the site are available for free distribution and use; data are also available as an API, allowing economic developers to build Data USA into their own websites, mobile phone applications, and other software.
The Institute for Higher Education Policy provides a Postsecondary Data Resource List.
Current and forecasted populations can be obtained through COMPASS Idaho.
Idaho crime stats can be accessed through the Idaho State Police crime reports.
StatsAmerica provides data profiles, occupation clusters, cluster mapping, innovation capacity, neighborhood profile building, and more.
U.S. Cluster Mapping Project is used by governments, economic developers, and businesses to understand and shape the competitive landscape for a wide range of industries.
USDA Census of Agriculture provides a complete count of U.S. farms and ranches and the people who operate them.
FEMA Flood Map Service Center lets you search to find your official flood map, access a range of other flood hazard products, and take advantage of tools for better understanding flood risk.
Idaho Department of Labor provides data on wages & occupations, regional information, unemployment, projections, employment statistics, labor force statistics, covered employment, workforce trends, publications, career planning, training and incentives, and more.
NAICS Association, LLC offers an array of highly reliable and valuable resources to assist companies in determining all things pertaining to NAICS and SIC Codes.
Intermountain MLS provides monthly, quarterly and annual statistics for the number of single family homes sales, percent change, median price, average price, days on market and volume at the county and MLS area level.
Advance CTE is an advocate for policies and legislation that enhance and sustain high-quality CTE programs throughout the nation. To that end, Advance CTE represents the CTE interests of its members in the nation’s capital by actively monitoring federal legislative developments and maintaining a focus on the latest research, news and issues influencing the dialogue on CTE and education policy.
Idaho Gem State Prospector is a GIS location analysis application that offers tens of thousands of data points aggregated together around a sites and buildings database, the Intelligence Components break down most of the data into specific, focused tools that provides information on demographics, consumer spending, and labor force within a geography. The tool also provides the ability for comparisons, heat mapping, and local data such as broadband, energy, environmental, transportation, etc.
The 10 "Musts" of Economic Development Data Video by GIS Planning, Click Here.
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Other Resources
Idaho Department of Commerce
Call the Idaho Department of Commerce and they can put together a custom analysis for you: (208) 287-0783.
Gem State Prospector
Get demographic, labor force and consumer spending information. Explore industry clusters, major employers and discover your competitors or customers. Analyze demographic variables and GIS data related to growing or expanding in Idaho. Use the comparison tool to compare cities or counties across the state or nation. Want someone to do it for you? Call the Idaho Department of Commerce and they can put together a custom analysis for you: (208) 287-0783.
Call the Idaho Department of Commerce and they can put together a custom analysis for you: (208) 287-0783.
Gem State Prospector
Get demographic, labor force and consumer spending information. Explore industry clusters, major employers and discover your competitors or customers. Analyze demographic variables and GIS data related to growing or expanding in Idaho. Use the comparison tool to compare cities or counties across the state or nation. Want someone to do it for you? Call the Idaho Department of Commerce and they can put together a custom analysis for you: (208) 287-0783.